Our Technology


AMFITRACK™ is an embedded stand-alone, high precision, low cost electromagnetic tracking system. The AMFITRACK™ system positions an object in 3D, outputting the absolute position (XYZ) and orientation (pitch/yaw/roll) of the system components relative to each other, making it a true six degrees of freedom (6DOF) electromagnetic tracking system.

The AMFITRACK™ system is based on electromagnetic field (EMF) tracking, using an EMF transmitter (source) and one or more EMF receivers (sensors). The system receivers pick up the magnetic field sent out by the transmitter, which is then processed by the unique AMFITRACK™ hardware. The AMFITRACK™ state-of-the-art algorithms then calculates a true, high precision absolute position and orientation of the transmitter and receivers, with respect to each other.


The AMFITRACK™ electromagnetic (EMF) tracking system can be used for a wide range of applications. Key system features are full six degrees of freedom (6DOF) tracking, high precision, low system components cost, easy installation, and no line-of-sight issues, which is a very notable advantage compared to camera-based tracking systems.

The AMFITRACK™ technology is unique in the way it is engineered from scratch. The use of latest generation cost effective electronics components enables the AMFITRACK™ system to become very price competitive.

AMFITRACK™ engineers succeeded in scaling down the system components, making system component sizes smaller than ever before seen in wireless EMF tracking applications. The key factors of cost and size opens up for the use of electromagnetic tracking within a whole new range of products e.g., in the consumer market.

But, make no mistake, the AMFITRACK™ system still delivers uncompromised precision and reliability for the most demanding applications.

Please also note that the AMFITRACK™ technology is customizable, making it ideal for integration into our client’s own products.


The AMFITRACK™ technology is developed by the Danish development company Amfitech. Amfitech is highly specialized in development and customization of electromagnetic tracking systems. Over the past 15 years, Amfitechs highly skilled team of engineers has worked together with national and international clients, integrating electromagnetic tracking systems into a wide range of applications.

The outcome of this effort is the AMFITRACK™ six degrees of freedom (6DOF) 3D tracking system. During the development phase, Amfitech has collected a unique knowledge base within this specific technology, which is now becoming available for the benefit of interested clients. As your preferred development partner, Amfitech can customize and integrate the AMFITRACK™ technology into your products, taking care of your products special needs, making this unique tracking technology available in your products.

As per January 2018, Amfitech has entered a strategic partnership with world leading high precision 3D coil experts Grupo Premo, making it even more possible to fit the AMFITRACK™ technology into cutting edge custom applications through integration projects.



• Highly scalable/customizable electromagnetic tracking system outputting 6DOF positioning/orientation pose data

• High 6DOF accuracy performance @ low hardware cost 

• Lowest hardware cost for consumer product applications

• Wireless Li-Ion battery-powered sensors using worldwide approved 2.4GHz RF link

• Stand alone fully embedded system (PC Software only needed for development and demo purpose)

• Flexible sample rate: Sub 1 Hz to x kHz

• Capability of multiple EMF source and sensor system (more systems can work within tracking range of each other)

• IMU sensor data available from AmfiTrack sensors for sensor fusion

• AMFITRACK™ SDK available (AMFITRACK™ Viewer 3D/configuration PC application, USB data interface description, Python script for grabbing Real-Time data to Windows or Linux, Unity driver/demo project and Unreal plugin)

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